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Manuals for Seminary Courses

Bridging Strategies

Bridging Strategies

This manual was used in the course "Change Dynamics" at Fuller Theological Seminary. It outlines my father's primary approach to introducing change into a ministry situation. Learning and developing skill to operate as a change agent is often a requirement for leadership. This manual identifies many of the dynamics and things to be aware of and how to navigate the issues involved in making changes.

Leadership Emergence Theory

Leadership Emergence Theory

This is the 'infamous' red manual. Used in the foundational course on personal leadership development, Clinton's theory on how God develops a leader is laid out in great detail. The course ML530 called 'Lifelong Leadership Development' was a core Clinton course.

Leadership Training Models Manual

Leadership Training Models Manual

This manual was written as a text for the course on Leadership Training Models which focused on how to design leadership training. It breaks down the various styles and methods used to train leaders. It uses several training models as means to help us evaluate training as well as design training for the leaders we are working with.

Mentor Handbook

Mentor Handbook

This manual was written to be used in the Mentoring Course. This manual outlines the approach to mentoring, the dynamics that make mentoring effective, the different types of mentors, the range of mentors we need over a lifetime, and numerous tips on how to excel at mentoring.

Strategic Concepts

Strategic Concepts

This manual was written to summarize and detail what a focused life is all about. A 'focused life' describes a leader who is living aligned with God's plan for their life and fulfilling their God given destiny. It clarifies the four primary 'focusing' factors which include our life purpose, effective methodologies, a major ministry role and ultimate contributions which examine the legacy we are leaving behind. This was used as a text for the course called 'The Focused Life'.

Unlocking Your Giftedness

Unlocking Your Giftedness

This manual was written to be used in the course called "Developing Giftedness in Leaders". It incorporates all of the research and study written in J. Robert Clinton's work entitled "Spiritual Gifts". This manual helps to understand what the Bible has to say about spiritual gifts but opens up the concept of a leader's giftedness which includes natural abilities, acquired skills and spiritual gifts. Also, there is a lot of material on how to develop each spiritual gift.

The Bible and Leadership Values

The Bible and Leadership Values

This is a book-by-book analysis of every book in the Bible and describes how each book contributes to our understanding of leadership. Leadership principles and lessons from each Bible book are identified. In talking with my dad, this is probably one of his favorite pieces of work that he did.